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The following two pages detail substances and the rammifications of their (mis)use.

The entries for individual substances are formatted based on the following categories:

Name(s) lists the “proper name,” followed by other terms for the substance.

Primary Effect shows what the substance’s main result is upon the user.

Terminal Effects covers the rest.

Market Price describes the cost of a substance assuming it can be found regionally and is not outlawed.

Addiction Check Rate describes the likelihood that any given usage of a substance will elicit an addiction check. It denotes a range on a d6. Each time a substance is used, a d6 shold be rolled and if the result is within the range a check is elicited.

Location(s) Found briefly describes how/where one finds the substance.

Addiction DC describes the necessary Saving Throw should a substance elicit an Addiction Check.

Tables are provided on the following pages with statistics for the substances.


While substances and the abuse thereof can prove an impercise science, there are a few general rules one can rely upon. Every dose is assumed to be a 10th of a pound unless otherwise stated Hence, to obtain the value of a pound of a substance, simply refer to the Substances table and multiply the Market Price there by 10.

Almost anything found in this particular tome is near certain to be outlawed; consider these prices to be found in a bazaar of Ilithid and Drowilk, far below what the substances could hope to fetch in a common city of mortals.


Every time a saving throw is called for to resist becoming addicted and said saving throw is failed, the user’s addiction progresses another addiction level Addiction level progresses through three stages: “Casual” “Moderate,” and “Severe.”

Casual addicts suffer from withdrawal symptoms but can stop using relatively easily. May be healed by Lesser Restoration, Heal or Mass Heal Moderate Addiction Level general increases the withdrawal symptoms and augments the negative effects of the substance, although it can sometimes aid the positive ones as welL It takes longer to get out of this stage than casual May be healed by Lesser Restoration, Heal or Mass Heal Severe Addiction Level is very hard to break out from, is generally destructive to the character, and should be avoided. May be reduced to Moderate by Heal\Mass Heal


Anytime a creature consumes a substance a d6 is rolled. If that d6 roll falls within the ACR range for a substance, a Saving Throw is made of the type and DC described under Addiction DC on the Substances Primary Table. If that Saving Throw is a success, continue as normal If it is not, the creature in question advances one additional Addiction Level Refer to the Addiction Table to see the effects, which are applied in addition to the substance’s normal effects. Overkill denotes failed Addiction Checks at the level of Severe Addiction where one may no longer progress in ADL.


After 1 tenday of abstinence, a Casual (ADL 1) addict is cured of their addiction. After a tenday of not partaking of a substance, a Moderate (ADL 2) addict suffers from the substance’s terminal effects as if though they had consumed it. They suffer from this at the end of a 24 hour period of after a long rest, whichever comes first, constantly for 2 weeks. If at the end of those two weeks they have fully abstained from consumption they are reduced to ADL 1.

After 48 hours of not partaking of a substance, a Severe (ADL 3) addict suffers from a substance’s terminal effects at the end of a 24 hour period of after a long rest, whichever comes first, constantly for a month. If at the end of the month they have fully abstained.


No statistic may be raised above 22 by Substances unless some other factor (such as the Barbarian Feat to allow 24 Str/Con, manuals upping their respective stat’s max by 2, etc) has taken the creature’s maximum in the given statistic above a 22. This is considered the new roof for what a Substance may provide.


As a general rule the Primary Effect of the first substance taken is the only one which applies. Having taken a second substance whilst under any effects of another substance. Alcohol is a key exception to this rule, although consuming alcohol increases the difficulty of all subsequent Substance- elicited CON Saving Throws by 2 until the effects of alcohol are totally worn off.


Whilst the effects of substances cannot be stacked, to avoid the Terminal Effect one may “re-up.” This has the result of re-rolling the Primary Effect, widening the addiction range by 1 (resulting in an Addiciton Check at Disadvantage if it becomes a 6\6 likelihood) This has the effect of doubling the Terminal Effects when they finally do occur-an event which is forced at the end of the next long rest if an individual makes it there whilst still under the effects of the substance.

The static detriments, die rolled for variable detriments, and amount of time\die rolled to determine amount of time are all incremented up. Essentially, roll for terminal effects for as many doses as the creature has consumed conseutively

Name(s) Primary Effect Terminal Effect(s) Addiction Check Locations) Addiction Market Price Rate Found DC

Agony +ld4+l Charisma for 1d6+6 Hours -2 Con and Feelings of Euphoria incuring a -2 to all Perception checks\Passive perception score for 1d12+2 Hours after Primary Effect wears off 200gp/dose 1-4 The Living WIS 20

Axelroot +4 to Passive Perception and all Perception Checks for ld4 Hours, +2 to initiative. -1 Str/-1 Dexforldl2+2 hours after PE wears off. 200gp/dose 5-6 Bayou CON 15

Baccaran +ld4+l Wisdom for ld6+6 Hours -2 Str during Primary Effects, -4 on Saving Throws against Illusions and other visual tricks-mild hallucinations. 1 Ogp/dose 5-6 Various CON 12

Devilweed +2 Strfor ld4 Hours -2 on lnt\Wis Saving Throws 4 hours after Primary Effect wears off. 6gp/dose 5-6 Swamp CON 15

Luhix +2 to All Ability Scores for ld4 Hours -1 to All Ability Scores from start of 2,000gp/dose 1~6 PE and for 24 hours afterwards. Abyss CHA22

Mordayn Powerful, Beautiful Vapor Hallucinations for 1 d20+l 0 Minutes -Id4 Wis, -ld4 Con for ldl 2+12 Hours. 200gp/dose 2-6 Woods WIS 15

Blue +2 lnt+2 Charisma for 1 Mushroom Hour Powder -1 Str for 24 Hours or until a Long Rest. 1 OOgp/dose 5-6 Woods CON 15

Redflower As a Bonus Action, you may Leaves focus on a target and get +4 on your next attack roll against them for 10 minutes. Brief upset stomach. 300gp/dose 6 Bog CON 10

Sannish Immunity to pain-based effects for ld4 Hours-such as from Symbol of Pain, Moonbeam, and Contagion. -1 Wisdom for ldl2+12 Hours after TE, -2 on Initiative Rolls due to euphoric feelings during PE. 1 5gp/dose 5-6 Desert CON 15

Terran +2 Caster Level for ld20+10-2 Con for ld4+4 Days. BrandyA Minutes 5 OOgp/dose 6 Fey WIS 12

Vodare +2 to Intimidate Checks, Saving Throws against Fear\lntimidation for ld4 Hours -4 to Deception\Persuassion Checks for 2d4 Hours, starting when the PE does. 40gp/dose 3-6 Graveyards Con 1 5

Agony | -1 Con -1 Con for duration of TE, +1 for hour required for short and duration long rests. Becomes of TE, erogenously sensitive to generally touch, skittish. | + 1 Charisma,-1 Widsom constantly. Withdrawal elicits 1 level of exhaustion for the duration. -1 Con for duration of TE, +1 hour required for short and long rests. Becomes erogenously sensitive to touch. | -1 Con, Permanent

Axelroot | -1 Str for -2 Str, -2 Dex for duration of duration TE. Golden bags appear under ofTE, eyes, generally skittish.| -2 Str, -2 Dex for duration of TE. Whites of eyes tainted gold. Advantage on all sight based perception checks made during PE period that are in well-lit areas.| -1 Dex, Permanent|

Baccaran | -1 Str for -1 Str for duration of PE, duration hallucinations extend ld4 of PE. hours after PE. | Muscles and flesh generally grow saggier and tighter upon the bone as physical strength is sapped from the addict. -2 Str for duration of PE, hallucinations bad enough to reduce passive perception by 2 and impose a -2 on perception rolls in addition to adding a total of-6 circumstantical to illusion-related saved. | Hallucinations Persist ld4 Days

Devilweed |-1 Intfor +1 Charisma Constantly,-1 Int duration for duration of TE of TE | +2 Charisma, -1 Intelligence constantly, -2 Int for duration of TE; disadvantage on Decieve checks. Use of “advanced” vocabulary and comprehension of complex sentence structure requires an Int Saving Throw, DC8-16 (DM’s Discretion).| -1 Int, Permanent|

Luhix | -1 to all -1 to all Ability Scores after PE Ability until end of TE; Scores dreams\trances filled with after PE visions of the Abyss, until end of TE | -2 to all Ability Scores after PE until end of TE (which is extended by 1 hour); obsession with the Abyss, finding a way to go there, communing with its demons, Wis saving throws to avoid commiting chaotic/evil acts that readily present themselves, occassionally muttering to self in demonic tongues.|Cha 25 Saving Throw to avoid Demonic Possession | Mordayn Vapor | -1 Con/-1 WIS Saving Throw DC 12 to Wis from resist chance to take. WIS start of Saving Throw DC 20 to avoid PE seeking out more 1d4 Hours through after PE fades. -1 Con/-l Wis end of TE from start of PE through end of TE | + 1 Charisma,-1 Widsom constantly. Withdrawal elicits 1 level of exhaustion for the duration. -1 Con for duration of TE, +1 hour required for short and long rests.| -1 Con, Permanent|

Blue Mushroom Powder| | | |

Redflower Leaves | Consuming food within an upset hour of taking Redflower stomache leaves elicits a CON Save DC during 10 to avoid vomiting it back PE. up. | Nautious for 1 d20+20 minutes after consuming Redflower Leaves, conferring 1 level of exhaustion for the duration.| Spend Next 10 Minutes Puking |

Sannish Sannic | -1 Wisdom during TE, reduces euphoria initative rolls by 6. now reduces initative rolls by 4. | -2 Wisdom during TE, reduces initative rolls by 6. | Stupor for 2d4 Hours, Can only take bonus ana movement actions-all movement speeds halved.

Terran Brandy | -1 Con -2 Con during TE. during TE. |-3 Con during TE, technically counts as Fey/Fey Ancestry for weapons and spells that deal damage to such creatures. | 4d4 Displacer Beasts Appear, Hunting User.|

Vodare | -1 Wis | -2 Wis during TE, disadvantage TE, decidedly cocksure. | -1 Int, -3 Wis during TE, disadvantage to conduct during to conduct diplomacy. diplomacy. | |



Liquid pain, this thick red liquid oozes with something eery belying its nature-Agony is truly the distilled pain of the living, alchemically or otherwise obtained A heady brew that knocks the user stiff a moment after the hit, it’s not to be toyed with ligihtly.


Deceptive thin red reeds that contain a bright golden ichor when cracked open, properly distilled this deep-tunneling water weed’s bounty can be either flicked gently into the eyes with a brush or injected most brutally into one’s own tear ducts by way of some foul implement. It’s better known to consumers by its nom de guerre, Golden Eye, for the effect it has upon repeat users. Stimulating the sense directly through the eyes, it leaves one alert and more likely to spot and react.


This pasty dried powder is something to sniff at, to be sure. Requiring the dust of a pearl, an ounce of wyvern claw shavings, the litre of juice drained from a Nothic’s eye, and a bushel of Arugula (personal touch) All in all it adds up to too much effort for what it’s worth, but the compound is well- given to many kinds of arcane duplication and transference. Sadly this renders it something of an alchemist’s racket, and the less professional drop-outs will usually turn to this if honest work as a scribe never quite pans out for them. Ironically those under the effects of Baccaran are usually wise enough to seek out another racket, but I supose those resonsible for its persistence in the underworld follow the golden rule of all back-alley potionry: never sample the supply.


The dried and rolled leaves of the wyssin plant can be smoked like tobacco, though the deliterous effects on the psyche of the user are far more profound Those who become too fond of the stuff become known for honesty, simplicity, and likability—if something of a village idiot. Nothing to be trifled with, I’ve personally seen promising wizards turned catatonic in the fruitless pursuit of personability. Ultimately, in the grand scheme of adventure, one can only truly rely on two things: strength of personality and dashing good looks.


Abyssal powdered stalks not meant for those of this plane, those who would make themselves fiend to fiends sprinkle the substance into self-inflicted wounds. Once the bleeding is attended, one gets straight to the pay-off: Luhix is stolen grandeur. One moves faster, thinks better, strikes harder, leaps farther, and makes better decisions. Don’t let this one fool you, though-every dash carves another bit of you out for a little demon to take roost in one day. Those not so inclined as to play the generous host would be well advised to steer clear.


“Dreammist,” as it’s most popularly known, is a concotion made of ground leaves from herbs that grow in the bowels of the elder forests. Mordayn is a finckey concoction, consumed by roundabout way of soaking it in boiling water like tea and then wafting in the vapours. The raw stuff and ensuing kettle of tea are more deadly than an equivalent helping of arsenic. Popular amongst the rabble with more moss than sense in their skull and who’d rather gird their loin in lichen than proper pantaloons, Mordayn Vapor is a fool’s game where one chases pretty pictures ever on the brink of a sudden violent death for the quest’s sake.


Rare blue mushrooms that prove a consistent issue for the arcane academies, the temptation of a boost to brain power and fortitude of the self can be hard to pass up for those straining under the weight of becoming a full-fledged spell caster. You want my take? Why, there’s nothing better learned than by experienced-and a whiff of this is sure to help take it all in.


Crushed leaves of a tiny red bog flower, a few puffs and you’ll put a quarrel through a target nine in ten times where ‘afore you’d scored one in nine.


A murky blue drink distilled from wolves’ milk and a powdered desert plant, know the addicts by their blue lips.


A stuff drink for the fey-hater. This green liquid is distilled from the essence of dying fey, and is a sure way to win the ire of more than you can handle. Steer clear, dear student.


A bitter brown powder, mix with a glass of Jerez Dulce to help it go-and stay-down