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When all else fails, an adventurer can turn to an honest trade to earn a living. This activity represents a character’s attempt to find temporary work, the quality and wages of which are difficult to predict.Resources.

Performing a job requires one workweek of effort.Resolution.

To determine how much money a character earns, the character makes an ability check: Strength Athletics, Dexterity Acrobatics, Intelligence using a set of tools, Charisma Performance, or Charisma using a musical instrument. Consult the Wages table to see how much money is generated according to the total of the check.

Check Total Earnings
9 or lower Poor lifestyle for the week
10—14 Modest lifestyle for the week
15—20 Comfortable lifestyle for the week
21+ Comfortable lifestyle for the week + 25 gp


Ordinary work is rarely filled with significant complications. Still, the Work Complications table can add some difficulties to a worker’s life. Each workweek of activity brings a 10 percent chance that a character encounters a complication.

Work Complications

1 A difficult customer or a fight with a coworker reduces the wages you earn by one category.*
2 Your employer’s financial difficulties result in your not being paid.*
3 A coworker with ties to an important family in town takes a dislike to you.*
4 Your employer is involved with a dark cult or a criminal enterprise.
5 A crime ring targets your business for extortion.*
6 You gain a reputation for laziness unjustified or not, as you choose, giving you disadvantage on checks made for this downtime activity for the next six workweeks you devote to it.*
*Might involve a rival