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Path of the Possessed

In enclosed, sweltering huts across the Known Lands, select members of a tribe endure a days long ritual that tests the limits of their strength and fortitude. Of the few that survive, one is chosen by the shaman to become the vessel for a specific spirit of the land. Purified and ritually scarred with elaborate swazons favored by the spirit, the chosen warrior then either accepts it as their companion and mentor or discovers that the spirit can be a pernicious and invasive presence, exerting its will like a rider upon their mount. Shamans perform these rituals due to visions of future perils that must be countered or, in the case of some Ehtzara, to satisfy a bargain made with the spirit. The union thus forged is unbreakable, as the soul of the warrior and the spirit become inextricably entwined, with some Beltinians warning that the link cannot be broken even at death. Even so, many see being chosen as a host for the spirit to be a great honor and spend their lives trying to satisfy the overpowering urgings of the spirit. For their part,

the spirit is ruled by a single emotion or desperate purpose and will push their flesh mount as hard as possible to satisfy their insatiable drive. Race Restrictions The Path of the Possessed is a Primal Casting class, as such dwarves, elorii, kio, ss’ressen, val may not choose this archetype. Fury and Power Your spiritus imperare has granted you the ability to cast a small number of primal spells, but only when you rage. Spell Slots When you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain 1 spell slot. You gain another spell slot at 11th level, and at 19th level. These spell slots are of a spell level equal to half your level in this class, up to a maximum of 5th level. You can cast spells when you are raging, but only if you use the spell slots and spells granted by your spiritus imperare. While raging, you may maintain concentration on spells cast with this feature but lose concentration when your rage ends. You regain all expended spell slots from this feature when you finish a short or long rest. Spells Known You know the spells granted by your spiritus imperare. Spellcasting Ability Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spiritus imperare’s spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spiritus imperare spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Charisma modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier Spellcasting Focus You are considered your own primal spellcasting focus when casting spells from your spiritus imperare’s spell list. The Jealousy of Spirits Spiritus imperare are jealous spirits. If you have or take levels in any class or sub-class that grants you a spirit patron, your spiritus imperare becomes your spirit patron.
If you have the Pact Magic feature, you can use your spell slots from that feature while raging. Spiritus imperare (Dominant Spirit) Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you attract the attention of a savage, nearly feral spirit. Your spiritus imperare grants you spells and spell slots, as well as other abilities at 3rd, 6th, 10th and 14th level in this class. Any ability gained from you spiritus imperare that calls for a saving throw uses your spell save DC. Your spiritus imperare also exacts a price from you. You must abide by the conditions specified in the price of your spiritus imperare, or it will withdraw its power. This might mean losing access to the abilities it gives you or your spells. Spirit of Hatred Usually taking the form of a wolf, shark or wasp, your spiritus imperare is ruled by hate, commonly aimed at a race, nationality, or profession. Although you may not share the same animosity, the spirit within you sometimes gets the best of you, making you say and do things to show its displeasure. Whispers of Hate (Price): You or your GM must choose a race, nationality, or profession. You find it very hard to treat a creature from your chosen race, nationality, or profession with any level of respect. Unless you and your spiritus imperare share the same animosity, you know that this hatred is from it. You suffer disadvantage on all Charisma checks when dealing with the subject of your hate. You may make a DC 15 Wisdom check to try and suppress your hatred, letting you make Charisma checks normally for 1 minute. If you fail this check, you must enter a rage and lash out at the subject of your hatred. Spirits of Hatred’s spells The Spirit of Hatred gives you following spells: Spell Level Spells 1st Hellish rebuke 2nd Dragon’s roar* 3rd Mantle of unassailable flame* 4th Fire shield Blinded by Hate Beginning at 3rd level, you may give yourself to the hate within. As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30 feet that you can see to become the focus of your hate for 1 minute. If you attack the focus of your hate using your Reckless Attack feature, you may forgo the advantage you gain on your attack roll and deal an additional 1d8 damage instead. This damage is the same type as your weapon. While you have a creature selected as the focus of your hate, you cannot benefit from Reckless Attack when you target any other creature with an attack. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

Hateful Gaze Beginning at 6th level, you gain double your proficiency bonus on all Charisma (Intimidate) checks. Also, as an action, you may turn your abhorrence-filled gaze on a creature you can see within 30 feet. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw and if they fail, they have disadvantage on the next attack they make that targets you. They also have disadvantage on the next saving throw they make to resist the effects of a spell you cast, if cast within 1 hour. If your target succeeds on its saving throw, it is immune to your Hateful Gaze for 1 day. Undead, constructs and creatures that cannot see are immune to this feature. Petrifying Gaze Beginning at 10th level, any time you hit a creature with a melee attack you may, as a reaction, stare own, shaking them to their core. They must succeed in a Wisdom saving throw or become stunned until the end of your next turn. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), regaining all expended uses at the completion of a long rest. Consumed by Hate Starting at 14th level, when you rage you become fully consumed by hate and ignore wounds that would fall a lesser person. While you are raging, you cannot be charmed or frightened. In addition, at the start of your turn you gain 5 temporary hit points. When your rage ends, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. Spirit of Heroism These spirits appear as eagles, falcons or lions and urge those who bear them to be true Heroes. These furies take up a cause and fight for it, regardless of risk and heedless of the cost. A fury with this spiritus imperare is consumed and obsessed by their righteous cause. Righteous Cause (Price): Choose a heroic cause. This cause can be things like destroy infernals, protect arcane casters from the Harvesters, seek out cults of the Silence and destroy them, or defend the people of Coryan from the threat of the gar. When presented with an opportunity to champion your cause you will do everything in your power to complete it. If you rage during such an occasion, you cannot willingly end your rage as a bonus action unless you make a successful DC 15 Wisdom check.

Spirits of Heroism spells The Spirit of Heroism gifts you with the following spells: Spell Level Spells 1st Righteous fury* 2nd Magic weapon 3rd Beacon of hope 4th Freedom of movement Righteous Blows Starting when you choose this spirit at 3rd level, you find that when you rage you are infused with the unyielding righteousness. While raging, your melee attacks deal additional radiant damage equal to your Constitution modifier. Righteous Defence Beginning at 6th level, creatures provoke opportunity attacks from you any time a friendly creature within 5 feet of you is struck with a melee attack by a creature adjacent to you. Strength of Will Beginning at 10th level, while raging you are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. Additionally, if you are stunned you may immediately use your reaction to end the condition. Righteous is my Cause Starting at 14th level, any time you rage while in pursuit of your cause you project a 20-foot radius aura of righteousness, infusing your allies with fury. All friendly creatures within your aura cannot be frightened and are blessed as if under the effects of the spell. Once you use this ability you may not call upon it again until you complete a short or long rest. Spirit of Savagery Taking the form of badgers or wolverines, spirits of savagery revel in bloodshed and wild frenzy. Those who bear these spirits love nothing more than to feel the splash of warm blood over their faces, and seeing the light dim in their victims’ eyes. Unbridled Savagery (Price): Your spiritus imperare demands blood, a gift you are more than willing to give. While you are raging, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you must kill them. You will not simply knock someone out to spare them. You may attempt to fight this bloodlust. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, if you make a successful DC 15 Wisdom check you suppress your bloodlust and may choose to spare your target. If you do, your spiritus imperare is disgusted with you and ends your rage instantly. If you fail this check, you must kill your target.

Spirits of Savagery’s spells The Spirit of Savagery gifts you with the following known spells: Spell Level Spells 1st False life 2nd Primal senses* 3rd Haste 4th Confusion Unchained Savagery Starting when this spirit is chosen at 3rd level, when you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. Additionally, you can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to draw or stow one. Also, while you are raging and engage in two-weapon fighting, if you reduce a creature to 0 hit points you may, as a reaction, take the Dash action.